Friday, March 15, 2013



Version 7.14 is ready!

Unlock the power of the most sophisticated and detailed mine scheduling software available

XPAC mine scheduling software is a business focused application, designed specifically for reserve modelling, production forecasting and scenario analysis.

CRACK XPAC is a completely customisable reserves database and suits all mining methods and commodities.

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Mining engineers have been using XPAC since 1980 to model their reserves, generate production schedules and evaluate alternative scenarios. This is because XPAC delivers workable, practical solutions for any mine scheduling challenge they might face.

Follow their lead and use XPAC to identify where to dig, where to move and store waste material and what equipment you will need to meet production targets. You too can use XPAC to deliver knowledge and confidence, where before, there were only limited choices.

XPAC Graphics
Being able to create a visual representation of your mine schedule gives you incredible insight and provides a powerful way to communicate your plan to others. XPAC uses advanced 3D graphics rendering, combined with detailed spatial data, to accurately represent the complex shapes of your mine.

Visualise your mine processes with the following graphical output options:

Database plots give you an accurate representation of the deposit at any point in the schedule. You can colour code by quality, quantity or any other attribute.
Period progress and mine status plots show you the progression of your schedule over time. You can define plot outputs based on time periods or the mine status at key points.
Animations let you see how the mine develops over time.

Buat agan yg berminat silahkan hubungi saya di:

SMS/WhatsApp: 0822 1111 3485

Juga tersedia XACT, TALPAC dan software pertambangan lainnya.

Tag: XPAC, Runge, TALPAC, XACT, MineScheduling, runge main scheduling