Saturday, September 10, 2016

Software Deswik 2017 For Mining Full Version

Delivering Mining Efficiency

Deswik uses best practice mine planning techniques and next generation software to deliver superior results. Our customized, solution-driven consulting flows through innovation to our software providing our customers with additional benefits when they choose to work with Deswik.

Our mine visualization and scenario planning tools help you make informed, value-maximizing decisions. Our integrated approach to mine planning helps our clients to deliver more with their existing mine planning expertise. Deswik software frees up your time and gives you the tools and resources to engineer better plans, examine more scenarios and consequently drive lower costs.

for more detail, click here

Untuk pemesanan per komputer, silahkan hubungi saya 

If you're Interested, please contact me at:

Whatsapp/SMS/Call: 0822 1111 3485

Thanks Gan!

Tag: Deswik, software pertambangan, software mining

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Jual Keygen Bee (Pos & Resto) versi Android

Dear Customers,

Saya menjual keygen untuk aktivasi bee versi android dgn harga murah. silahkan langsung hubungi sy di: 0822 1111 3485 (WA, Telp atau SMS) untuk info harga dan info lainnya.

Thanks gan.

tag: bee BPM, bee POS, Bee Resto Android

Monday, July 25, 2016

HP kecopetan

Dear My Valued Customer,

HP tercinta saya tadi pagi diambil dari saku saya saat berangkat ke kantor menggunakan KRL/commuterline.

Untuk selanjutnya pembelian, minta info atau tanya jawab silahkan hubungi saya melalui email dan no HP baru saya di:
0822 1111 3485 (Telp/SMS/Whatsapp)

Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya.

Have a good day!

Wassalam & Best Regards,